Visiting Professor
Prof. Philip George Rogers
Maritime Transport and Commerce
Philip has some 58 years’ experience in the commercial shipping industry. After nearly a decade spent at sea as a Navigating Officer aboard bulk carriers, tankers, general cargo and fleet replenishment vessels Philip commenced his shore career as a Shipping Economist for a small British Shipowner. After 3 years he moved on to become a Shipping Analyst for leading shipbrokers Clarkson. During that time he sat his professional examinations to become a Chartered Shipbroker winning first prize in the competitive global examinations. Whilst at Clarksons he was headhunted to create the Research Division of the world’s largest independent shipbroker Simpson, Spence & Young where for 15 years he was the Managing Director. Moving to New York in 2000 he was the Content Director for leading MaritimeDirect managing a staff of 70. After returning to the UK he was appointed as Global Head of Research and Analysis for Galbraith’s Shipbrokers and appointed as Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School later becoming Dean of the Executive MBA programme. At this time Philip also was the Assessor for Shipping Economics and International Trade at the Chartered Institute of Shipbrokers. Philip joined the world’s largest interdealer broker ICAP in 2008 as Head of Consultancy retiring in 2011 to become Honorary Professor at Plymouth University. Philip has been at the cutting edge of Shipping Research for the past 35 years and has spoken at, or chaired, over 100 International Shipping Conferences. He has simultaneously held six Visiting Professorships