Dr. Eleni Micha
Visiting Lecturer

Dr. Eleni Micha

Short CV
Dr Eleni Micha (PhD) is a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Law. Dr. Eleni Micha holds a doctorate degree in law from the University of Athens and a diploma from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Part of her studies has been carried out at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Dr. Micha specializes in public international law and her particular fields of interest are international & regional protection of human rights, international humanitarian law & law of war, international criminal law and domestic application of international law. She 18 currently holds a teaching post at the Department of International Studies at the School of Law of the University of Athens. She is attorney-at-law at the Athens Bar Association dealing mostly with cases regarding protection of human rights. She is Secretary General of the NGO “Human Rights Defense Centre” and an external evaluator of the law journal International Community Law Review, published by Brill/Nijhoff. Dr. Micha participated in various conferences and has published a number of articles in Greece and abroad. Her recent work deals with execution issues of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, domestic application of treaties regarding human trafficking, justiciability of social rights and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by Greece. She also contributed to the Commentary of the European Convention on Human Rights compiled and edited under the supervision of the Greek judge in the European Court of Human Rights, Professor Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos and to the Essays in honour of Professor Dr. Nestor Kourakis.
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