Dr. Sotiris Theocharides
Associate Professor

Dr. Sotiris Theocharides

Short CV
Dr Soterios Theocharides is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Department of Law of the School of Business and Law. He has studied Philosophy and Social Sciences, with specialisation in Ethical Theory. He was awarded his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". His research focuses on the “demand for autonomy”, “the nature of justice”, the “opening to the poetics of the world”, and the “idea of the ethics of freedom”. Dr Theocharides is teaching Philosophy and History of Law, Sociology of Law and Political Theory. He has been the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (2007 – 2017) and currently is the director of the Institute of Communication and Social Research and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme “MA in Communication Studies: Media and Journalism in the Information Society” of Frederick University. He has also taught at the University of Sofia, the University of Cyprus, the University of Crete and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is currently a member of the editorial board of the Greek Philosophical Review and of the editorial board of the CyberEcology - Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University. He has published in peer reviewed journals and has authored the following monographs: Philosophy and the Barbarians (1998), In the horizon of the Game with the Other (1999), Karl Marx and Marxism (2006), Balkan Neomarxism (with Cyril Neshev, 2007), Philosophy of Utopias (with Cyril Neshev, 2008), Ethical Problems of the Ultimate Good (with Nicolai Michaelov, 2010), Social Ethics and Global Crises (with Sylvia Mineva 2016), The Communication Construction of a Pandemic (2021), and Poetics and Order: Philosophy, Justice and Politics (2023).
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