Dr. Gerasimos Papanastasatos
Visiting Lecturer

Dr. Gerasimos Papanastasatos

Psychology and Social Sciences
Short CV
Gerasimos Papanastasatos has studied Social Sciences at the University of Macerata in Italy and specialized in criminology at Panteion University of Athens where he has concluded his post Graduate Studies and his Ph.D. dissertation. Since 1992 is the Head of the Research Dept “KETHEA”, (Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals). He is experienced in the field of addiction research and life-long training programmes. He is specialised in evaluating applied treatment and prevention programmes and life long learning training programmes for professionals. Since 2008 he is a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences, teaching courses both in the undergraduate and postgraduate level. He is also teaching at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and at the University of West Attica. He has several publications in Greek and international journals in the field of assessment and evaluation of Addiction Treatment Programs. He is member of many scientific conference committees as well as editorial boards of scientific journals. Since 2013 he is Senior Advisor to the National Drug Coordinator and the National Committee on Drug Policy, as well as official representative of Greece at international bodies for the negotiation of global drug policy. During the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, he was appointed Vice-Chair of the Horizontal Drug Group of the Council of the European Union. He is an alternate member of the Board of EMCDDA, representative of Greece in the Bureau and member of the permanent Greek delegation of the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, representative of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Horizontal Drug Group of the Council of the European Union.
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