Prof. Demetris Karagiannis
Visiting Professor

Prof. Demetris Karagiannis

Psychology and Social Sciences
Short CV
Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis M.D. , Ph.D. : Child Psychiatrist, Family and Group Psychotherapist. Senior Trainer and Supervisor on Marriage and family therapy. Member of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA). Founding member of the Hellenic Association for Systemic Therapy (HELASYTH), Member of the Hellenic Federation for Systemic and Family Therapy (ETHOS). Chairman of Athens Child Mental Health Centre. Founding Member and First Secretary of the Hellenic Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Supervisor and Scientific Collaborator of the Child Medical Unit of Fthiotis (1989-1995). Associate Professor of Maraslion Academy, in the Elementary Education Postgraduate Program. Supervisor of the Training Program of Athens Child Mental Health Centre. Founding Member of scientific issue «Psychiatrika Tetradia». Founder and Chairman of the Therapeutic and Educational Institute of Systemic and Existential Approach “Antistixi”. Author of the books “Cracks and Touches”, “The Injustice that Hurts” and “School Denial”.
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