Public Access
to University Libraries
Opening doors
to knowledge
In line with the university's mission, our libraries in Nicosia and Limassol offer services to the general public. As an inner-city institution, these libraries serve as central hubs for local residents and the broader community, supporting their pursuit of knowledge and research.
All library services are offered free of charge to visitors, just as they are to members of the university community. Visitors are welcome to access both printed and online materials, with temporary access codes provided for internet connectivity and access to the library’s full range of electronic resources (please note an ID is required for book lending). Visitors can also use all available general-purpose computers. Additionally, visitors may request access to specialized university software for non-commercial use via the virtual computer laboratory.
To access the library as a visitor, please visit one of our libraries during regular opening hours (8:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) and our librarians will guide you. Please remember to bring an ID.
Beyond providing access to materials, the library also hosts community events, such as talks, furthering its commitment to community engagement.
Our library in Limassol
Our library in Nicosia