Webinar regarding the ICARUS research project

ICARUS project is announcing its online closing event on Thursday October 27th.
Frederick Research Center and the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics announce the closing event for the RIF funded project ICARUS - RobotIcally Controlled RADAR Inspired WiReless Charging for/from Flying UAV PlatformS - EXCELLENCE/1918/0365 that was coordinated by Professor Symeon Nikolaou.
The event will be held on Thursday October 27th between 15:00-18:00 and it will be an online event.
The event’s agenda:
15:00 Greeting by Photos Vryonides – FRC
15:10 - Project Overview by Symeon Nikolaou – FRC
15:20 Uses of remote sensing techniques in Agriculture, George Papadavid – ARI
15:40 Wireless Powered Communication Networks involving UAVs, Eleni Goudeli – UCY
16:00 WPT enabled humidity and temperature sensors, Adnan Nadeem – FRC
16:20 Break
16:40 Energy autonomous receivers/sensors using WPT, Giacomo Paolini – UNIBO (FRO)
17:00 UAV carried transmitters for WPT, David Chadzichristodoulou – FRC
17:20 Conclusion by Symeon Nikolaou – FRC
17:40 Discussion
18:00 End
To participate, follow the link: https://frederick.zoom.us/j/97286770427?pwd=QTlTOUszNmRXd1QvdWg3VGJwMVBFdz09