Looking for talent- Scholarships offered by the Department of Arts and Communication
The Department of Arts and Communication at Frederick University supports young individuals who have the potential to excel and contribute to the development of the arts by awarding special scholarships to the most talented students in the field of Arts in Cyprus.
Are you a student or graduate of the Applied Arts field in secondary education? Send us your portfolio and compete for a scholarship in any undergraduate design program offered by the Department:
1. Visual Communication
- Specialization in Graphics and Digital Media
- Specialization in Film Making and Digital Media
2. Fashion and Image Design
3. Interior Design
Whether you win the scholarship or not, top professionals in the field who are part of the faculty of the Department will review your portfolio and provide you with feedback and valuable advice. A total of 10 partial scholarships (30%) will be awarded for the academic year 2024-25. The scholarships cannot be combined with any other tuition reductions. From the second year onwards, you can participate in the "Scholarships for Continuing Students" program.
Portfolios must be submitted in electronic format along with your full name, date of birth, school, and contact details (phone, email, address) by July 12, 2024 to c.mantzalos@frederick.ac.cy (Prof. Costas Mantzalos).