Promoting equality and diversity on and off campus

Frederick University is deeply committed to ensuring and promoting gender equality throughout its community.

In 2014, it established the Center for Gender Equality and Inclusion, EnAF, in an effort to promote gender equality within and beyond the institution. EnAF (Equality “n” Awareness @ Frederick) is a reference to the word 'enough'. It reflects our collective acknowledgment that gender inequality and discrimination have persisted for far too long and that it is time to declare "enough" to such injustices.

The name embodies our commitment to creating a transformative culture within and beyond our institution- a culture where awareness, inclusion, and equality are not just ideals but realities. "EnAF" serves as a call to action, emphasizing that we have had enough of inequities and are determined to advance meaningful change, ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.

Recognising the complexity and breadth of gender equality challenges, the University restructured its approach in 2024. Aiming to implement gender equality horizontally across the institution, it reorganised its efforts into four thematic categories, aligning them with the University's overall core activities:

Teaching: integrating gender perspective into courses and strengthen gender-based violence education in different programs of study.
Research: promoting gender-sensitive research and the integration of gender dimension in all research activities.
University Governance & Operations: aiming for horizontal integration of gender equality into all university functions and policies.
Outreach - Engagement with Society: Raising awareness of gender issues and gender-based violence through campaigns, workshops, discussions and other events.

The Center functions as an advisory body to the Council and the Senate for the promotion of equality and diversity in all levels of operation and in all the processes of academic life.

It aims at:
• promoting gender equality among the University community
• incorporating gender equality into the University’s operations and governance, teaching, research, and outreach-engagement with the society
• raising awareness about issues of inequality and discrimination and implementing relevant campaigns and projects on and off campus
• create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.