

We support you to find
the right place to live

Expert knowledge of available accommodation around the campus areas offered

Accommodation Office

The Accommodation Office helps students find apartments to rent, near the premises of the University in Nicosia and Limassol.

It is staffed by experienced officers who have expert knowledge of available accommodation around the campus areas. Here you will receive personalised service, guidance and ongoing support to find a home and settle into life in either Nicosia or Limassol.

Private accommodation

There are various properties from private landlords listed in our Accommodation Office. To view our directory and arrange a viewing, please contact the Admissions Office.

University accommodation

State-of-the-art Student Halls are under construction in Nicosia. The project will be delivered in September 2024 and it is situated within walking distance to the University’s buildings. It includes contemporary studios and provides a secure environment and access to a range of amenities, designed with modernity and comfort in mind. More information here:

In Limassol, the University has exclusive access to a number of modern rooms at the brand-new Apollonia Student Halls that are located very close to the University’s facilities in Limassol.