Our governing bodies
We strongly believe in inclusive representation of our community in the University operations at various levels. There is parity of elected and appointed members and student representation in all bodies of governance. This is clearly embedded in our Charter which implements the following principles:
- all academic bodies (Departments, Schools, Senate) are headed by elected representatives
- in all bodies of governance adequate representation from students is present
- the Senate, the supreme academic body, comprises solely of students and elected academics with the exception for the inclusion of the Director of Administration and Finance
- at the University Council, the supreme administrative body, there is equal representation between appointed members and elected representatives from students, academics and administrative personnel.
The Council is the supreme administrative body of the University and is responsible for all matters that affect the University, considering financial and administrative issues, the University's infrastructure, the overseeing of staff and the approval of recruitments. The Council is chaired by the President and in case of absence, the duties of the President are carried out by the Vice-President.
The Council of the University consists of:
- Four members of renowned ethos and honor
- A member of the academic staff at the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, elected by the Teaching Research Faculty
- The Director of Administration and Finance who has no right to vote
- A representative of the Administrative Staff, elected by the body of the Administrative Staff
- A representative of the students, elected by the students
At present, the University Council comprises the following members:
Position | Name |
President | Ms Natassa Frederickou |
Vice President | Dr Christoforos Charalambous |
Rector (Member) | Prof. George Demosthenous |
Member | Ms Christina Ioannidou |
Member | Mr George Georgiou |
Academic Staff Representative | Prof. Loucia Demetriou |
Academic Staff Representative | Dr Antonis Michael |
Administrative Staff Representative | Ms Christina Karaolidou Chattalas |
Student Representative | Mr Giannis Lapithios |
Rector's Office
Position | Name | |
Rector | Prof. George Demosthenous | |
Director of the Rector's Office | Christofi Marilena | |
PA to the Rector, Secretary of the Senate | Petsa Maria | |
Administrative Officer at the Rector's Office | Savvides Andreas | |
Administrative Officer for Quality Assurance in Higher Education | Angelodemou Angelos | |
Office of the Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance and Academic Excellence
Position | Name | |
Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance and Academic Excellence | Prof. Costas Kyriacou | |
Administrative Officer for Quality Assurance in Higher Education | Angelodemou Angelos | |
Office of the Vice-Rector for Research, Development and International Relations
Position | Name | |
Vice-Rector for Research, Development and International Relation | Prof. Michael Komodromos | |
Rector's Office | Christofi Marilena | |
Rector's Office | Petsa Maria | |
The Senate is the supreme academic body in the University and is responsible for the academic work undertaken in terms of teaching and programs of study as well as the promotion of academic research and any other academic activity. The Senate is chaired by the Rector who is supported by Vice-Rectors.
The University Senate consists of:
- The Rector as President
- The Vice Rector or Vice Rectors
- The Deans of the Schools
- Two representatives of each School elected by the Teaching Research Faculty of the School
- The Director of Administration and Finance
- A member of the Special Teaching Staff of each School, elected by the body of Special Teaching Staff
- A representative of the students of each School, elected by the students of the School
At present, the University Senate comprises the following members:
Position | Name |
Rector | Prof. George Demosthenous |
Vice Rectors | Prof. Costas Kyriakou Prof. Michalis Komodromos |
Director of Administration and Finance | Dr Christoforos Charalambous |
Deans | Prof. Areti Panaoura Prof. Christos Themistos Associate Prof. Maria Rikkou Kalourkoti Mr. Panayiotis Michael Prof. Eleni Hadjiconstantinou |
Teaching and Research Staff Representatives | |
Special Teaching Staff Representative | Dr Koulla Erotokritou |
Student Representatives |
Mr Giannis Lapithios |
Supplementing the academic and administrative structure, the supreme bodies of the University have the authority to establish Centres. A Centre reports directly to a supreme body and has an executive capacity to engage on a particular area of interest, either within the university of beyond, that spans the scope of several Schools or Services.
- Personal and Professional Development Center at Frederick University (P²DF)
- Center on Gender Issues, Diversity and Equality at Frederick University (ENAF)
- Center For Innovation And Excellence in Teaching (CIET)