Distance Learning

Everything you need
to know about
Distance Learning


The mission of Distance Learning is to provide undergraduate and postgraduate education to students who are unable to attend a conventional program of study. As a Distance Learning student, you have the flexibility to study in any place, space and time. Furthermore, a Distance Learning student has the ability to study in a flexible environment while being employed at the same time. Distance Learning is offered exclusively in an online environment with the use of selected digital, interactive multimedia educational material and new and emergent technological tools. Frederick University provides unlimited access to knowledge and high-quality education through the use of contemporary learning environments and high-end digital solutions.

Mode of Delivery

Distance Learning programs at Frederick University do not require physical presence. This means that students have the possibility to study from their place of preference at the time of day and pace that consider most suitable for them. Delivery of material is given via electronic means, and specifically, the Learning Management Platform (LMS - Moodle). The LMS tool is central to Distance Learning studies and students will be given appropriate assistance and support to ensure that they can use it effectively. Through the LMS - Moodle students: 1) gain access to the various readings, educational material, digital interactive multimedia content, quizzes 2) are informed of and manage assessment requirements, the deadlines and submission mechanisms, and 3) are provided with communication, collaboration and interaction mechanisms, both synchronous and asynchronous, with their instructors, as well as fellow students.

Learning Management System - LMS

The e-learning platform is the most important tool for instructors and students registered in Distance Learning programs. Both instructors and students have access to this platform as it is the main means of delivering material/content. The e-learning platform is also the primary method of communication, collaboration and interaction among students, between instructors and students, and between students and content. Specifically, it is used for uploading and delivering the readings and educational content (i.e. books, articles, OERs, etc) and the interactive digital multimedia material (i.e. interactive presentation and videos, narrated presentations, annotated presentations, quizzes) or any other supporting material (Web page links, videos, etc.). The platform also allows for synchronous and/or asynchronous communication, interaction and collaboration (discussion forums, chat rooms, wikis, use of collaborative documents and tools) between instructors and students and enables students to submit their work electronically. The various tools embedded in the platform provide numerous capabilities for technology integration within the teaching and learning process.


The pedagogical framework of the Distance Learning programs/courses was developed after resolving the following crucial issues: 1) the location of potential students (local, and/or European, and/or international students), 2) international trends and research developments regarding the mode of delivery of Distance Learning programs and 3) requirements set by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation for Higher Education (C.Y.Q.A.A.) and the Cypriot Council for Recognition of Degrees (KYSATS) in terms of accreditation of Distance Learning programs and the recognitions of degrees awarded from such programs.

Pedagogical Framework Pillars - The pedagogical Framework consists of the following three pillars:
  • Directed Learning (Compulsory and Supplementary) (Readings & Content Delivery/ Digital Multimedia Educational Material
  • Dynamic Online Interaction (Weekly Interactive Learning Activities – Communication, Collaboration, Interaction and Sharing)
  • Assessment Activities: (Final, Formative/Continuous and Self-assessment - Weekly Learning Activities)
The DL Development Framework
  1. Units & Structure
  2. Operational Framework
  3. Rules & Regulations
  1. Development Process
  2. Pedagogical Framework
  3. Content Design & Development
  4. Internal Quality Evaluation
  5. Professional Development Training & Support
  1. IT Technology
  2. Training & Support
  3. Library
  4. Platform, FRE & Software Tools
 Directed Learning Online and Educational material
The aim of directed learning online activities is to introduce and explain the key concepts for each course. These activities aim to engage students in studying, reading, viewing or listening, permanent, static, online materials. These materials include the e-books, digitalized books, notes, readings from various sources (i.e. books, articles, websites, blogs, digital bibliography, links, open access resources (OERs), eBooks, videos, etc.). The Mandatory bibliography should be available through the e-learning platform (provided that the principles of copyright are respected) and where there is a need for students to buy/borrow books, this should not be done excessively.In addition, students are given content delivery, or digital interactive multimedia educational material that includes various forms of presentations: simple, narrated and presentations with notes, video lectures, interactive presentations and interactive videos, podcasts, simulations, virtual learning environments, educational games, interactive scenarios for problem solving or other multimedia sources for material delivery (e.g. tutorials). The content included in a course is rich and contemporary, since it is constantly monitored and reviewed by the authors. Also, the digital/ multimedia material includes the teleconferences recordings that take place synchronously and are recorded, and/or other educational videos, which are prepared by the teaching staff.
The materials used are classified into ‘mandatory content’ that must be studied by students or ‘supplementary’, which could be studied on a voluntary basis by students who wish to delve deeper into the thematic areas of a course. The supplementary/optional bibliography includes a collection of additional bibliographic titles, indicative for further study, but is not the subject of study for the subject module examinations. More specifically, students are also expected to independently engage (independent learning) in further study activities. These activities require students to study additional publications within the field (i.e. readings that are beyond the core content included in Directed Learning Online activities). These materials include journal articles or key texts in the specific discipline, online videos or podcasts of theorists within the field and any other material that students will locate, on their own, from the vast online resources available. Courses are therefore carefully designed in order to encourage and stimulate students’ independent learning.
Dynamic Online Interaction & Interactive activities:

The weekly dynamic online interaction activities engage students in online discussions, interactions and collaborations but not all of them contribute to assessment directly. The online interactive activities are designed in such way to provide students with opportunities to discuss, communicate, interact, share opinions, engage, simulate, role play, present, argue, research, explore, practice, produce, reflect, criticize and query their understanding of the key concepts introduced during the delivery of a course as well as to collaborate for the development of content/assignments.
Within this context, online synchronous lectures are organized by instructors. The online lectures aim for content delivery and explanation, students’ presentations, discussions among students, and among instructor and student, and their duration should be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, within the context of the teleconferences there are group assignments and discussions, problem solving scenarios, role playing, etc. The duration of the teleconferences is an average of 2 hours. Within the same framework, dynamic online interaction activities include the creation of discussion groups on the subject unit (e.g personal statements, case study discussions, critical commentary of research articles), group simulation games, interactive problem-solving scenarios, the use of online files for collaboration, the development of wikis for collective writing, the utilization of blogs and/or micro-blogs (e.g. Twitter) for discussion, argumentation, critique, commentary, feedback. The DL instructors are encouraged to use build-in platform tools (i.e. zoom for teleconferencing sessions, discussion forums, chat rooms, wikis) as well as tools outside the platform (i.e. websites, blogs, online documents, wikis). These activities allow students to build and participate in online learning communities.

Assessment Activities

The evaluation method of assessing the student performance for each course, as well as the importance of different assessment methods for calculating the final grades are defined in the course outline (syllabus) which is given by the instructor during the preparation/induction week (Week 0). In each course, there are the following three assessment methods: 1) Final evaluation, 2) Continuous/formative evaluation and 3) Self-assessment. Via the different assessment methods, students are required to acquire, communicate, interact, engage, discuss, simulate, role play, present, argue, research, explore, practice, produce, reflect, assess.

  1. Final evaluation

The final evaluation is obligatory for all Distance Learning courses and has at least 50% weight. The final evaluation is based on the final exam. The revision for the final exams takes place in the last week of the semester (13th week) mainly through teleconferencing, as well as with revision handouts.

  1. Continuous/ formative evaluation

In the continuous/formative evaluation, any practice can be used, in order to export, interpret and use "evidences" for the performance of each student. The assessment method may include assignments, quizzes, midterm exams, research reports, simulations, problem solving learning scenarios, virtual environments, educational interactive games, case studies, role playing, online presentations, development of wikis, e-portfolios, participation in discussion forums, other forms of participation in the electronic learning platform. The continuous evaluation form and the weight of assessment are determined by the instructor in the course outline (syllabus). It should be noted that the continuous/formative evaluation can be carried out either offline or online.

  1. Self-assessment

Self-assessment does not take place with the purpose of grading the students but it aims to help students to conceptualize and improve the level of their knowledge and skills. Self-assessment is achieved through a variety of weekly activities, such as online quizzes, online multiple-choice exercises, essays and reflective journals and checklists given to the students after the completion of each week/unit. Finally, the degree to which students were engaged in deeper learning and further study activities is also assessed through the aforementioned assessment methods.

Teaching Methodology

The teaching methodology in an online environment requires the utilization of the capabilities and techniques provided by new educational technologies and synchronous and asynchronous means of communication. It is necessary that students are distinctively informed of the support provided by the instructors and the use of the means and digital tools that they will use during their Distance Learning experience. In addition, the promotion of students in the learning process, through teaching, interaction and active participation, is of great significance, as well as the exploitation of digital interactive multimedia material, which is adapted to the needs of Distance Learning students and is easily accessible to them.

  1. Asynchronous communication

Asynchronous communication is defined as the communication that is not influenced by the parameter of time; thus it takes place any time. Valid and continuous asynchronous communication and interaction with Distance Learning students is crucial to the program’s success. Asynchronous communication and interaction focus on further discussing the concepts under investigation, better understanding of the course content, sharing, exchanging and discussing ideas and views, getting feedback, addressing questions, etc. Queries from students are expected to be answered within 48 hours or earlier under special circumstances. Responses must be comprehensive and informative. It is understood that, in some cases, a response within 48 hours is not feasible, but this should be an exemption.

Asynchronous communication and interaction are achieved via the following tools: chat rooms, discussion forums via posts, blogs, online documents (i.e. google docs), wikis, digital interactive boards, e-mail, any other collaborative online tool (to develop/produce a technological artefact)

Constant student support: The instructor is also expected to be available to his/her students outside the hours of teleconferencing, in order to answer questions, or other issues regarding their studies and academic performance.

The valid asynchronous communication with Distance Learning students is crucial to the success of the program.

  1. Synchronous Communication

Synchronous communication is defined as the communication that takes place at the same and when the instructor is at the same online environment with the students and can communicate at the same time. Instructors are expected to meet students’ requests for synchronous communication. The organisation of synchronous communication meetings is a compulsory responsibility of the instructor. The meetings must be carried out only through the provided platform (ZOOM) and must be available to students for asynchronous use at a later stage (recorded lectures). Through synchronous communication there is possibility to: Deliver lessons (concept and content teaching), addressing students’ questions, provide feedback, discuss, exchange of ideas/ views, etc.

The instructor is required to hold synchronous meetings of minimum 9-10 hours during the semester. The content and organisation of the meeting is solely decided by the instructor. Ideally, students should be informed about the time of the online meeting from the beginning of the semester (information to be provided in the course syllabus) but if this is not feasible, the time of the meeting should be announced on the LMS platform at least a week in advance. In the exceptional case that the course needs to be cancelled due to reasons beyond the instructor’s control, the instructor is responsible for informing the students directly and setting a new teleconference day and time. Apart from the organised synchronous communication, instructors are encouraged to provide additional communication meetings to support students with feedback, explanations and / or course requirements.

Communication with the instructors and/or the Program Coordinator: Students can communicate with their instructors via e-mail as well as via the electronic platform. In addition, students can communicate with their fellow students via email and the question-and-answer forums.

The e-learning platform (Moodle – LMS) is the most important tool for instructors and students registered in distance learning programmes. Both instructors and students have access to this platform as it is the main means of delivering material/content. It is also the primary method of synchronous and/or asynchronous communication, collaboration and interaction between instructors and students, among the students, and between the students and the content.

The various tools and resources embedded in the platform provide numerous capabilities for technology integration within the teaching and learning process. Specifically, within the platform various tools and resources are provided and grouped in the following categories: Communication (i.e. ZOOM, chat rooms), Collaboration and Interaction (i.e. discussion forums, wikis), Information Sharing (Upload file / folder, Insert Page, Label, URL for external sources, OERs, digital free books, articles, videos and pictures sharing), Content Development Authoring (i.e. H5P for developing interactive presentations and videos) and Assessment and Feedback (Online quizzes, Feedback via text, video and audio and Turn it in).

Various other tools and resources outside the platform are also employed within the distance learning mode of delivery.