Prof. Michael Komodromos

Prof. Michael Komodromos

Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Vice Rector Research, Development and International Relations
Short CV
Michael Komodromos is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics and currently the Vice Rector of Development, Research and International Relations at Frederick University. He received his BS in 1988 (Amideast scholarship recipient), his MS in 1990, and his PhD degree in December of 1993 in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University, USA. His research work during his PhD was funded by Rockwell International. One of the main research results was the development of an FIR filter design algorithm which constitutes the most important generalization of FIR filter design in the minimax sense. His work on FIR filter design was awarded the ISU Research Excellence Award. He returned to Cyprus and joined Frederick Institute of Technology in February 1994 and subsequently Frederick University in September 2007. Besides signal processing he has extended his research work to photonics research through his participation in related national and European research programs, such as the development of nanoscale-optic and micro-fluidic devices and other novel grating structures in optical fibers using a femtosecond laser, the development of polymer Bragg grating optical filters and the development of specialized optical filters in photonic crystal fibers. He also participated in the photonics related COST Actions 270, 299 TD1001, MP1401 and CA16620. His current research interests concentrate on the design, development and integration of fiber optic sensor systems in smart city applications. Professor Komodromos is a member of the International Electrotechnical Committee SC86C, a member of CEN/CLC/ETSI/SF-SSCC "CEN-CENELEC-ETSI, « Sector Forum on Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities" and a member of the Program Committee of the SPIE Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibers. He serves as a program evaluator of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) evaluating Electrical Engineering programs mainly in the USA. Professor Komodromos is the chair of the Board of Directors of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC), the vice-chair of ETYFA (Cyprus LNG Infrastructure Company) and a member of the BoD of KODAP (Cyprus Organization for Storage and Management of Oil Stocks). He is senior member of OSA and a senior member of IEEE.
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