Career Servicesfor employers
Our Careers Office will work closely with you in order to identify the best ways for you, as an employer, to reach out to our talented students and graduates.Our Career Office allows employers from all sectors to access a diverse pool of local and international talent. At Frederick University you will be able to connect with a diverse body of students and graduates who are skilled, passionate, ready for the industry and suited for various employment needs.
We equip our graduates with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to make a positive impact on their chosen career and on society. In addition to producing graduates with strong academic knowledge, we recognize the importance and relevance of soft skills such as the ability to be a constructive team member, to communicate effectively and to work independently.
Finally, our strong links with employers like you ensure our programs of study respond to the market needs and equip our graduates for careers in the forefront of their chosen fields.
We provide a number of services to employers, from posting vacancies in our channels to providing information and advice to organisations wishing to establish or strengthen their profile amongst our students, graduates and alumni:
Advertise a Job Vacancy on our Online Career Tool
Post full-time, degree-related career opportunities, part-time employment opportunities and work experience vacancies (vacation work and volunteering posts) for our students and graduates.
Advertise Internship opportunities
Request the Frederick University Internship Guide for Employers and arrange a meeting with the Careers Office in order to develop your personalized internship scheme.
Organize career / employability workshops and on-campus recruiting events
Host employability skills sessions or simply share your industry experience, career journey and success stories with our students and inspire them. You can also promote your field or company and even set-up a recruiting event (in-person or virtually).
Participate in our annual Career Fair
Promote your company or organization during our annual Career Fair, meet our students and graduates and discover your next intern or employee.
Organise Field Trips
Organise visits of our students to your company in order for them to familiarise with the real working environment, helping them understand your company’s structure, activities and challenges.

- Part-time work
Many of our students undertake part time work throughout the semester and vacation periods both to develop their professional skills and earn some additional income.
Students are particularly interested in gaining work experience that is related to their Program of Study or a career path they are considering. However, many other students are also looking for casual work in different settings to support them through University. - Summer Internships for students in Cyprus and abroad
Summer internships is a very popular option for work experience amongst our students.
Internships generally last between 4 to 12 weeks during the summer vacation and are undertaken in a particular occupation or professional area.
Internships are an opportunity for employers to gain dedicated resources during the summer vacation and to get new projects started. They are a great way to get to know an individual’s potential, allowing you to take on students for a few weeks to ‘test out’ future graduates.
For the summer internships abroad, students may receive a grant covering their travel and living expenses through their participation in European and international funded programs. - Internships for Recent Graduates in Cyprus and abroad
Internships for recent graduates can take place at any given time during the year, since they have no University obligations. It is also a great way for the employers to ‘test’ their potential. Our recent graduates also have the opportunity to get their first professional experience in the European labour market through EU-funded programs. - Work Placements for students
Employers can provide meaningful work-related learning for students in the form of placements. Through work placements you can attract talented candidates and stay up to date with current knowhow as well as retain prospect employees for a full-time job. Provide a placement position in your organization through the 2BeConnected Platform. Register your organization at the platform and offer placement opportunities to our undergraduate students. Placements are available in all our undergraduate programs of study and our office team is always available to guide you and support you with the process and to facilitate the selection of student candidates.
Find out more at the EU funded Project: “Liaison offices with the Labor Market 2018-2023”. - Full-time jobs in Cyprus and abroad
Attracting and retaining the right people is a key part of growing a successful business. Bring up-to-date knowledge and skills and a fresh perspective to your workplace by considering our recent graduates for your full-time positions.
Who to contact?
Careers Office, email: careersoffice@frederick.ac.cy