Ms. Emmanouela Manoli
Visiting Lecturer

Ms. Emmanouela Manoli

FIT staff
Short CV
Mrs. Emmanouela Manoli is a Special Teaching Staff/Lab Assistant at the Department of Nursing of School of Health Sciences at Frederick University. She also teaches at the Master of Midwifery in Cyprus University of Technology. She teaches the laboratories courses in Midwifery. She graduated from the Nursing Department of Cyprus University of Technology at undergraduate level (BSc General Nursing) and at postgraduate level (MSc Midwifery). Currently, she is PhD (c)student in Cyprus University of Technology focused in Intimate Partner violence in pregnancy. Holds a diploma as an Infant Massage Instructor from International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM). She is working in the labour ward and prenatal education of a private hospital in Nicosia. She served from 2020 as the Assistant Secretary of the Cypriot Midwifery Committee of the Cyprus Nursing and Midwives Association. She is participate in European Observatory on Femicide (EOF) as an Associate Researcher. Her interests are mainly focused in the area of: Midwifery, Midwifery Education, Intimate Partner violence in pregnancy, Women’s rights.
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