Ms. Marina Nicolaou
Special Teaching Staff

Ms. Marina Nicolaou

Business Administration
Short CV
PERSONAL OVERVIEW – A FEW WORDS ABOUT ME: I have been working my own agency since 2013 and have been lecturing for the Department of Business Administration at Frederick University as a Special Teaching Staff member since 2019. I specialize in offering marketing and digital marketing services to small companies – a few exceptions: the provision of consulting services to larger organisations, upon request. I am passionate about helping small companies grow, particularly since my wide range of knowledge allows them to receive knowhow about almost anything related to marketing. Regarding digital marketing, I constantly grow: the field is so vast and so rapidly changing that I find imperative to keep learning every day to keep up (to best level possible). Of all fields of digital marketing, I am particularly fascinated with content marketing and social media. Afterall, “Content IS king!” WORKING – A bit more: I have a background of more than 20 years in advertising agencies, primarily as a media planner, but partly as account executive (aka: client handling). My job was particularly to allocate advertising budgets for clients, after carefully media analysis. I have also worked for 5.5 years in a very large media organisation (DIAS PUBLISHINGS) in the advertising department and as assistant to senior managers. In addition, I have also been involved in event planning for 2.5 years. My website for a bit more about my current working status: EDUCATION: In addition to what is written above, I have attended numerous seminars, workshops, conferences.
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