Dr. Giorgos Demetriou
Associate Professor

Dr. Giorgos Demetriou

Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Short CV
Dr. Giorgos A. Demetriou received his Ph.D. in computer science-robotics and his M.S. in computer engineering from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1998 and 1994, respectively. His Ph.D. specialization is in Robotics. Since 2006 he has been with the Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department of Frederick University, Lemesos, Cyprus. Before that he was with the Computer Engineering Department of Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA and with the Computer Science department of the University of Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast (USM-GC), Long Beach Mississippi, USA. At Purdue University he was an assistant professor of computer engineering. At USM-GC, he served as an assistant professor, as the director of the Robotics and Graphics Laboratory and as the coordinator for the computer science graduate and undergraduate programs. He received funding and was involved in numerous research projects funded by the EU, the National Research Foundation of Cyprus (ΙΠΕ), the National Science Foundation and other organizations. He has published book chapters and several journal and conference papers. He was the co-editor for several international conference proceedings and the chair for many international conferences. He was in the organizing committee of a number of international conferences. He served as an evaluator for the IEEE Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, the European Union, the Greek government and others. Research interests include Mobile Robotic Systems, Marine Robotic Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotic Systems, Control Systems and Embedded Systems. Teaching interests include Robotic Systems / Automated systems, Intelligent Systems, Control Systems and Computer Architecture.
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