Dr. Nino Lukasvilli
Collaborating Acad. Staff

Dr. Nino Lukasvilli

DL - Education
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Short CV
Dr. Nino Lukasvili holds a PhD in Education from the University of Crete with a PhD dissertation: "Multicultural / Intercultural Education in the Diaspora. The Greek language education in Ajaria (1850-1938) ". She completed her bachelor studies in the State University of Tbilisi, studying Greek Philology. She also holds a master degree in Education from the University of Crete. Moreover, she has experience in intercultural education and linguistic integration of migrants and refugees. Also, in the teaching of Greek Language as second / foreign. Dr. Nino Lukasvili has taken part in many conferences and seminars. Her articles have been published in conference proceedings and scientific journals. Her research interests focus on Bilingualism, Intercultural and Anti-racist Education as well as the language integration of minority students. Since 2016, she is a member of the Frederick University and teaches in the postgraduate program of Special Education at the Educational Department, under the School of Education and Social Sciences.
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