Engineer Officer
of the Watch
A qualification highly regarded by employers of shipping organizations
A program which builds on students’ existing engineering knowledge with the aim to work as engineers in the maritime industry ashore
International, National laws and regulations require the licence qualification of “Engineer Officer of the Watch” (EOOW) for all those who serve as sea-going Engineer Officers on ships.
The qualification has international recognition and is highly regarded by employers of shipping organisations. It is also an asset for those wishing, after some sea experience, to work shore-side and assume executive and managerial responsibilities.
This training program is designed to offer the required specialised knowledge, skills and competence to prepare prospective officers to successfully pass the required EOOW licence examinations.
Program overview
The program builds on students’ existing engineering knowledge with the aim to equip them with the specialised knowledge and competence needed for the EOOW professional qualification as well as the practical experience to work as engineers in the maritime industry ashore. It includes academic lectures and practical training in specialised workshops, as well as on-board training on ships. This latter training period on-board ship is subsidised by the Cyprus government. Both the course underpinning knowledge and the associated practical training are based on the requirements of the Model Courses of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The program meets the requirements of the IMO International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW). It is approved and accredited by the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM).
This professional training program is offered by Frederick University's Cyprus Marine Technology Academy (CyMarTA). It is administrated and supported by the Department of Maritime Transport & Commerce and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The program is approved and accredited by the Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) of Cyprus.
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program and sea-going training, the trainee is:
- Equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge on operational principles of Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ship Construction.
- Prepared for the final oral examination for the EOOW licence.
Module Group
The student must successfully complete 30 ECTS, from the following list of modules:
No. | Code | Name | ECTS | Hours / week |