Frederick University student created the logo for MAS Supermarkets
September 15th, 2022

Student of the Department of Arts and Communication of Frederick University is the creator of the Corporate Social Responsibility logo of the MAS Supermarkets . Leonid Laevskiy, 3rd year student of the Graphic and Advertising Design program, stood out from the competition’s participations with the “gia olous mas” logo that will visually accompany the company’s social activities.
This initiative was a result of a collaboration between Frederick University and MAS Supermarkets. The creation of the company's CSR logo was given as a task to students of the Graphic Arts and Advertising Design program. The students were given the opportunity to meet with Ms Maria Georgiou, Head of the Promotion, Advertising and CSR, and learn about the branding and the guidelines they had to follow. For six months, the program’s students in Nicosia and Limassol worked under the guidance of their academic professors Costas Mantzalos and Dimitris Kokkinolampos.
The company evaluated the designs and chose Leonid Laevskiy’s «gia olous mas» logo. “We are proud of Leonid and his work on the new CSR logo of the MAS Supermarkets. We strongly believe that the students’ engagement in real projects provides rich experiences and knowledge, and opens communication channels with their future employers. This is the reason we integrate this kind of actions in our programs of study” says Professor Costas Mantzalos, Chair of the School of Arts, Communication and Cultural Studies at Frederick University.
During the ceremony that took place at Frederick University, MAS Supermarkets awarded Leonid Laevskiy with a prize. Present at the ceremony were also the MAS Supermarkets’ CEO, Mr Loucas Zourides, and Ms Maria Georgiou, Head of Advertising, Promotion and CSR. Present on behalf of Frederick University were professors Costas Mantzalos and Dimitris Kokkinolampos.