Report and Support

You can submit a report here, if you have experienced harassment or sexual harassment, or if you know someone who has had a similar experience.

You can also contact the Competent Authority by phone or in writing via email or by arranging an appointment, here.

The individuals who make up the University’s Competent Authorities and who handle cases of harassment and sexual harassment are properly trained to provide support and guidance, answer your questions, and present all your options.

Your report will be handled promptly, with responsibility and confidentiality.

What Are the Next Steps?

After reporting the incident to the Competent Authorities and discussing all the options available to you, you can decide on the approach that you believe is most appropriate, depending on the incident.

The options are:

A) Communication with the individual who displayed the unwanted behavior to explain and make it clear that their behavior is offensive, distressing, and affecting your work or studies.

B) Mediation by the Competent Authority, who will communicate with the perpetrator without the victim’s presence. The victim can remain anonymous during this process if they choose.

C) Disciplinary action may be taken if the incident is deemed very serious, if the harassing behavior continues, or if the above process does not yield satisfactory results.

What if I want to inform the University anonymously?

We understand that reporting any unpleasant incident can be a difficult decision. However, if you choose to submit an anonymous complaint, we will not be able to contact you to offer any support or advice, nor will we proceed with investigating your complaint.

The University provides the option to submit anonymous complaints here, with the sole purpose of better understanding issues that may affect our community. This allows us to better plan future preventive actions.

If you would like to receive further support and guidance or discuss your options for an official or unofficial handling of the incident, you can speak with a member of the Competent Authorities here.

Official institutions outside the university

An official complaint outside the University can be made at any time, regardless of the University's internal process. To seek advice, legal assistance, or to report an incident, you can contact the following institutions:

- 24-Hour Immediate Assistance Line (SPAVO): 1440

- Citizens Communication Line (Police): 1460

- Commissioner for Administration and Protection of Human Rights – Office of Equality and Anti-Discrimination Authority, Era House, 2 Diagorou, 1097, Nicosia, Tel: 22405500/501,,

- Committee on Gender Equality in Employment and Vocational Education, 7 Vyronos Avenue, 1463, Nicosia, Tel: 22400894/5,,

- Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, 9 Klementos str., 4th Floor, 1061 Nicosia, Tel: 22400801/2,