Student Disability

Ensuring accessibility
and inclusion
for everyone

We are committed to establishing an academic environment that grants everybody equal access to education. Disability Services are offered through the Counselling Centre which provides ongoing support to students with learning difficulties or disabilities and has developed clear policies in order to safeguard an inclusive environment.

Students with disabilities are registered conventional or distance learning students with a documented* disability. The term “disability” may include learning, physical, sensory, psychological or medical disabilities.

Examples include, but are not limited to, the following conditions:
  • Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Conditions
  • Physical Disabilities and Mobility Impairments
  • Chronic illness
  • Visual and Hearing Loss / Impairments
  • Mental Health Conditions

*According to the Cyprus Education and Training of Children with Special Needs Law of 1999 and Regulations of 2001, "Students with Special Difficulties" are defined as students with severe learning or special learning difficulties, functional or adaptive difficulties due to physical, sensory, mental or other cognitive difficulties and mental deficiencies.

We offer support and assistance for students with disabilities once we determine eligibility. Disability Services are offered in line with the Education and Training of Children with Special Needs Law of 1999 and subsequent Regulations, according to the University’s ‘Students with Disabilities Policy’.

We understand that disability may affect each person differently and that is why we try to develop an individualised support plan that is tailored to your needs.

Services include:
  • Special accommodations / adjustments in class and during assessments (examples include alternative classroom arrangements, notetaking services, extra time on exams / assessments, use of scriber or reader during examinations, information on assistive technology etc).
  • Individual Counselling and referrals to other University Support Services (i.e. Peer Tutoring, Student Advocate etc).
  • Referrals to External/ Community Resources (and to external community resources / services /grants).
  • Specialised group workshops for academic and study skills enhancement.
  • Financial assistance for students with disabilities with limited financial resources.
  • Collaboration with academic and administrative staff for guides, trainings and practical advice on how to support their students with disabilities).
First Year Students

Students applying to the University who have a documented disability, chronic health problems or learning difficulties that might impact their studies are advised to request an intake meeting with a staff member of the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre. You can request the intake meeting by completing the corresponding section in the application form.

A member of the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre will contact you in order to arrange an intake meeting and discuss the support you need from the University.

Continuing Student

If you are a current student and you feel you might be eligible for Disability Services, please contact the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre to make an appointment the soonest possible.

Supporting Documentation

In order to be able to determine eligibility for disability services and to provide an individualised support plan, students applying to Disability Services must provide suitable supporting documentation of the disability prepared by a health professional (doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist etc). All supporting documentation must be emailed to the Counselling Centre staff member who is handling your application.

All information and records collected by the University on students’ disabilities are in accordance with the University's Privacy Policy.

However, in order to be better able to support you and provide you with accommodations, we may need to share some information regarding your disability with other people such as your instructors and the examination services. This will be done only to ensure your access to accommodations and only information on a need-to-know basis will be shared following your consent.

University facilities, including outdoor areas and public spaces, are accessible for people with disabilities. Ramps and elevators are available in all buildings. Elevators have both raised numerals and braille signage. Classroom and seminar room settings are inclusive and can easily accommodate students with disabilities. Toilet facilities are accessible for disabled employees and students. All buildings have accessibility signs with appropriate symbols and guidelines. There are also dedicated parking spaces for disabled students, staff or visitors.