Survey among graduates in Cyprus aims at improving the link between Academia and Industry

Frederick University graduates are invited to participate in the National Graduate Tracking Survey, known as CyGraduates, aimed at enhancing employment prospects for Higher Education graduates in Cyprus.
This initiative, now in its second consecutive year, is spearheaded by the Department of Higher Education within the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Youth. It is a vital component of the broader project titled "Development of a National Graduate Tracking Mechanism and Design and Implementation of an Employers’ Skills Survey,” embedded in the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Cyprus.
About CyGraduates
The CyGraduates survey seeks to gather longitudinal data on the transition of Higher Education graduates into the labor market. This includes insights into their study experiences, acquired skills during their academic journey, and the alignment of Higher Education Programs of Study with market demands. The outcomes of the survey will empower Higher Education Institutions to revise the content and teaching methodologies of existing programs of study and make them relevant or introduce new ones, ensuring that graduates possess the knowledge and skills needed by the labor market. The preliminary results from the initial survey cycle are already available on the project’s website.
Who can participate in the second cycle of CyGraduates?
- Graduates from all Higher Education Institutions in Cyprus
- Those who graduated during the academic years 2017-2018 and 2021-2022
- Graduates from Programs of Study leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, Bachelor's, or Master's Degrees
- Participants from various study modes (full-time, part-time, distance)
- Graduates of all nationalities residing inside or outside Cyprus.
Data Collection and Access
Between January and March 2024, data will be collected through an online questionnaire available on the project's website. Graduates will access the questionnaire either through the project's website or via a personalized link sent by email or SMS from their respective Higher Education Institutions. The completion of the questionnaire is estimated to take approximately 10-12 minutes. As a token of appreciation, participants will receive a small gift and have the chance to enter a draw for more substantial prizes, including air tickets, hotel accommodations, and gift vouchers.
Significance of the Survey
The active participation of Higher Education graduates in the CyGraduates survey is crucial for improving the quality of education, aligning acquired skills with labor market needs, and enhancing employment prospects. Your valuable input contributes significantly to these goals.
Follow the survey’s progress through its Social Media accounts: Facebook and Instagram
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