Workshop on the contents and scope of ENVIRONAUT Research Project

Frederick University’s Department of Maritime Transport and Commerce is organizing a workshop in the framework of the ENVIRONAUT Research Project. The workshop will take place on December 8 at our Limassol campus.
ENVIRONAUT (ENVIRonmental Officer in the NAUtical Tourism Industry) is an Erasmus+ project aiming to bridge the gap between the training and skills needed in the sea tourism industry, while enhancing the positive environmental impact that the recreational boating sector can have.
Partners in the project have been working on the development of the first-ever environmental qualification for the nautical tourism sector, based on targets set by the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
During the workshop, the contents and scope of the project will be presented. Companies, employees, and stakeholders from the nautical tourism sector are invited to participate.
Partners of the ENVIRONAUT research project are: European Boating Industry (EBI), German Ocean Foundation, Sea Teach, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Frederick University, German Marine Federation (BVWW).
The workshop will be conducted as a hybrid event, and participants will have the opportunity to join in-person or virtually, receiving the appropriate Certificate of Attendance.
December 8, 17:30
Room 134, Limassol campus
You can register here.