Towards a Center of Excellence on the safety of infrastructure against natural hazards

The project is coordinated by researcher Dr. Petros Christou, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, at Frederick University’s School of Engineering: "Through the ISTOS project, we succeeded in creating a high-level international scientific collaboration for the assessment of natural hazards with the aim to provide innovative solutions for structural safety of buildings and infrastructure, disaster risk reduction and post-disaster management", says Dr. Christou.
In the framework of the ISTOS project, launched in November 2020, several actions were implemented with the aim of enhancing scientific understanding in the field of natural hazards. One of the most significant initiatives involved collaborating with the Cypriot National Committee of NEAMTWS (North-eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, and connected seas Tsunami Warning System), along with active participation in the CoastWAVE project. Supported by the NEAMTWS Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG/NEAMTWS) of the International Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO), this project analyzes tsunami effects and strives for the recognition of the coastal city of Larnaca as a Tsunami-Ready community. Tsunami-Ready recognition signifies that a community has adopted mitigation measures to address its tsunami risk, aiming to enhance coastal community preparedness and minimize the loss of life, livelihoods, and property.
Additionally, two Summer Schools were conducted in Cyprus, complemented by various other actions. These initiatives provided a platform for project partners from Cyprus, Greece, and Italy, as well as doctoral students and experts in related fields, to exchange knowledge on topics such as prevention and response to natural disasters, building safety, adaptation to climate change, seismic risk assessment, and more.
Partners in the ISTOS project are: Frederick Research Center (coordinator), Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (APTH) via the SDGEE Research Unit (Greece), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) via the PLIVINS-LUPT Study Center (Italy). The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (WIDESPREAD-TWINNING) under grant agreement No. 952300.
The ISTOS project will conclude in 2024 with a Conference planned to be held at Frederick University. More information will be announced in the near future.