Memorandum of Understanding signed with A.E.I Audiovisual Forum

Frederick University and the non-profit Cultural Organization A.E.I Audiovisual Forum signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at developing joint actions to enhance and promote film education and audiovisual production in Cyprus.
The Memorandum was signed by the President of Frederick University's Council, Ms. Natassa Frederickou, and the Director of the non-profit Cultural Organization A.E.I Audiovisual Forum, Mr. Stavros Papageorgiou. The meeting took place at Frederick University in Nicosia, in the presence of Mr. Panicos Charalambous, coordinator of the Film and Digital Media specialization offered within the University's Visual Communication program of study, and Mr. Hector Papageorgiou, co-founder of the A.E.I Audiovisual Forum.
Both parties expressed their mutual interest in developing film education and agreed to collaborate towards this goal. Among other initiatives, Frederick University will grant scholarships to secondary education students who excel with their films presented at the Cyprus International Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Historical Documentary Film Festival (AEI Film Festival), an annual event organized by the AEI Audiovisual Forum. The festival features students from secondary schools and technical schools across Cyprus, who create short films during the CinEducation project, offered by the Organization's Education Department and implemented in collaboration with the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) in Cyprus and supported by the Department of Contemporary and Modern Culture of the Deputy Ministry of Culture. Additionally, Frederick University and the Organization will collaborate to co-organize events, exhibitions, seminars, lectures, workshops, and conferences in areas of mutual educational, artistic, and scientific interest.
It is noted that on June 15 and 16, the 24 student documentaries resulting from the CinEducation project will be screened at Pantheon Cinema, during which Frederick University will grant scholarships for studies in the Visual Communication Program to students who excel with their films. For more information: www.aei-filmfestival.org.