
Seminar of the Department of Civil Engineering on “Coastal Protection and Sustainable Design”

Within the frame of its educational seminars and lectures, the Department of Civil Engineering has invited esteemed civil engineer Dr. Antonis Toumazis for a presentation on the topic of “Coastal Protection and Sustainable Design” on Monday, March 17.

Dr. Toumazis is a highly regarded specialist in the field of Coastal Engineering, with significant practical experience.

The presentation included several topics which attracted the interest of students including causes of coastal erosion, effects of climate change and environmental concerns and challenges ahead. This was followed by questions from attendees and discussion.

Civil Engineering students actively participated in the seminar and this proved to be a significant thought-provoking and valuable experience.

Seminars and guest lectures by practicing engineers in specialized areas are essential components of the Civil Engineering degree at Frederick University. These events are regularly organized by the Department to expand students' knowledge in the diverse fields Civil Engineers engage with.

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