Seed funding for researchers & academics on the field of SmUCS

EU-CONEXUS Seed Funding call offers up to €4400 for projects focused on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability.
EU-CONEXUS supports the development of small-scale internal collaborative education, research and innovation projects on the field of Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS) and calls on research, academic and administrative teams from all partner Universities, to apply for funding.
The overall objective of the Seed Funding is to enhance collaboration between EU-CONEXUS partners in education, research and innovation on SmUCS topics.
Expected outcomes of the projects must be tangible: possibility to work together on a bigger project, joint research, joint participation in a conference, preparation of a joint publication, joint study programme, etc.
Each proposal will be assessed with regards to 3 main criteria:
- Scientific excellence: Relevance of the project with regards to the societal challenge of Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, scientific contribution and innovation of the proposed project, appropriateness, completeness and clarity of the methodology
- Impact: Impact of proposed activities and results, in particular for EU-CONEXUS and expected outcomes.
- Quality & efficiency of implementation: Work plan, organisation, budget coherence with regards to project ambition and deliverables.
Deadline for applications is October 31st, 2023. Please check the EU-CONEXUS website for further details.
If you have any questions or looking for EU-CONEXUS partners, you can send an email to eu-conexus@uni-rostock.de.