European Researchers' Night: Celebrating science, research and innovation

Frederick University will participate in the European Researcher's Night 2023 with four activities reflecting the research carried out by our academic and research staff.
The European Researcher's Night is taking place on September 29 at the Cyprus State Fair in Nicosia from 9 am to 10 pm. Live experiments, competitions and interactive games make up the agenda of this year’s European Researchers' Night organized for the 17th consecutive year by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF).
Under the theme "Mission: CONNECT", scientists, academics, researchers as well as entrepreneurs will present their actions and achievements. Visitors will be able to browse more than 60 stands and watch interactive experiments using technology, multimedia and simulations, use specialized scientific equipment and participate in a wide range of activities, games, competitions and entertainment events.
This year’s event focuses on the "European Missions", which concern the development of innovative solutions to the following global challenges: 1) Adaptation to Climate Change, 2) Cancer, 3) Restore our Ocean and waters, 4) Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and 5) Healthy Soil.
Frederick University will participate in three thematic areas through four activities:
1. "Natural hazards: Effects on humans and the environment" in the thematic area: Adaptation to Climate Change
How well do we know natural hazards and their effects? Through a card game, the audience will have the opportunity to learn the myths and truths of natural hazards such as earthquakes and floods, and learn about the ISTOS research project. The goal of ISTOS, coordinated by Dr. Petros Christou, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Lead Researcher at the AIM - Advanced Infrastructure and Materials Research Group, is to strengthen scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the area of the structural safety of buildings and infrastructure, disaster risk reduction (e.g. earthquakes, floods, medicanes), and post-disaster management.
2. "Can we build with construction waste?" in the thematic area: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
The management of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) faces several challenges and appears to be underperforming, despite the fact that a comprehensive legislative framework concerning the management of CDW is in place since 2011. The DEFEAT research project, led by Dr. Demetris Nicolaides, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, responds to the challenge of waste management from excavations, constructions and demolitions. DEFEAT's research team focuses on reusing construction waste to produce new, innovative and high added value building materials so that there is a significant incentive for their reuse.
3. "Listening to nature" in the thematic area: Adaptation to climate change
Visitors will have the opportunity to listen to sounds recorded in important ecological areas of Cyprus and learn how such sounds can be analyzed using innovative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, contributing to the protection of the island's birdlife. Funded by the European Commission through the HORIZON EUROPE – ERA Fellowships program, the BIOMON research project aims to develop new artificial intelligence (AI) methods for monitoring birds in rural areas of high natural value in Cyprus, using acoustic sensors. The use of passive acoustic monitoring methods to survey bird communities is a pioneering and innovative approach with significant benefits and worldwide interest.
4. “Is it good for my health? Let the colors speak" in the thematic area: Cancer
In the Pharmaceutical Science, various natural antioxidant products are used to promote good health and well-being. In an activity presented by the University’s Department of Pharmacy, the activity of such natural products will be compared through color changes in test tubes. The public will see the positive effect of antioxidants on health as well as the effect of harmful factors, understanding their importance in diseases such as cancer.
The European Researchers' Night is organized by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), in collaboration with the main institutions of research, innovation and business in Cyprus, and is under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nicos Christodoulides. With corresponding events taking place simultaneously in more than 350 cities across Europe, the European Researchers' Night is an initiative of the European Commission, with the aim to highlight the impact of science on citizens’ daily life, through entertaining activities.
Learn more about the Researchers' Night here.