Cast your Nominations to the Michael Frederickou Excellence Awards 2023-24

Frederick University announces the start of the application process for the Michael Frederickou Excellence Awards for the Academic Year 2023-24.
For the fourth consecutive year, students can nominate and can be nominated for the Michael Frederickou Excellence Awards. The awards are given in memory of the Founder of the University, Michael Frederickou, and aim to recognize and honor the actions that promote his values: excellence in teaching, research and contribution to society as a whole.
The Awards will be presented during the Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony that will take place on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the Nicosia Municipality Theatre.
Nominate a Candidate
I. Students can nominate members of the University Community (faculty members, administrative staff, fellow students and alumni) in the following categories:
(a) Teaching Excellence Awards (for Frederick faculty members). Click here.
(b) Sustainable Development Goals Actions Award (for any member of the Frederick University Community (faculty, staff, students and alumni). Click here.
(c) Outstanding Student or Graduate (for current students or Frederick graduates). Click here.
Nominate Yourself
II. Students (and graduates) can submit a self-nomination and/or be nominated in the following two categories:
(a) Sustainable Development Goals Actions Award. Click here.
(b) Outstanding Student or Graduate (same as above). Click here.