Expertise shared at "Aquatic and Coastal Ecosystems" Conference in Rostock, Germany

Members of our academic and research staff participated in the EU-CONEXUS Research Conference on "Aquatic and Coastal Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities towards Sustainable Development", which took place in Rostock, Germany.
Diverse research communities associated with the EU CONEXUS partner Universities gathered at the Conference, which led to collaboration and an exchange of knowledge about the sustainability of coastal regions.
During the Conference, researchers highlighted the diversity of challenges as well as opportunities and solutions in four parallel sessions focused on:
- Coastal Engineering
- Social, Culture and Human Sciences
- Life Sciences and Biotechnology
- Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity
A number of academics and researchers from Frederick University travelled to Germany for the Conference and shared their expertise on their respective fields: Dr Maria Kallourkoti, Associate Professor and Acting Vice Dean of the University's School of Health Sciences, Dr Charalambos Chasos, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr Demetris Kleitou, Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Maritime Transport and Commerce, Dr Constantinos Kounnamas, Director of the University's Nature Conservation Unit, Dr Gregoris Kalnis, Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, Dr Sofia Karavergou, Special Teaching Staff member at the Department of Pharmacy and Mr Savvas Evripidou, EU-CONEXUS Project Development Support Officer.