
"European cooperation in health is stronger than ever", says EU Health Commissioner

EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, was the keynote speaker at a seminar held on Friday, October 4 at our University's Nicosia campus, organized by the School of Health Sciences.

Stella Kyriakidou was welcomed at Frederick University by the President of the University Council, Ms. Natassa Frederickou, and the Rector, Professor George Demosthenous.

Addressing students, academics and health professionals, the Commissioner gave a speech on the creation of the European Health Union. During the discussion that followed, students from the Nursing and Pharmacy Departments had the opportunity to learn and ask questions about topics related to the future of health professions in Europe.

“You have chosen to enter this field at a time when European cooperation in health is stronger than ever,” said Ms. Kyriakides, adding that “after years of effort and several challenges, health is now a priority as it should be, and as European citizens expect.” The Commissioner noted that the EU health budget increased from €418 million to €4 billion under the EU4Health program.

President Natassa Frederickou, stated that “the School of Health Sciences at Frederick University has set a high standard for education in health professions, ensuring that graduates are prepared to tackle the complexities of the health sector in the modern era.” Ms. Frederickou also highlighted the need for a holistic understanding of health professions. “The health sector needs well-rounded individuals. Excellent scientists who also possess the ethics and integrity to meet the needs of their profession. It is our responsibility to ensure it provides both.”

The European Health Union, which emerged from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to provide equal health services to all European citizens, strengthen the resilience of health systems, and contribute to equitable access to quality healthcare for everyone.

“The European Health Union consists of priority pillars,” explained Ms. Kyriakides, mentioning, among others: “Strengthening health security and our ability as the EU to respond collectively. Introducing a comprehensive action plan to combat cancer. Ensuring timely and more equitable access to the medications patients need. Establishing the EU's leadership in digital health. And addressing mental health, which we consider to be as critical as physical health.”

A discussion followed, moderated by Dr. Maria Rikkou Kalourkoti, Deputy Dean of the School of Health Sciences at Frederick University. Ms. Kyriakides and her Head of Cabinet, Mr. George Rossides, answered questions on various issues, such as fake news affecting accurate health information for citizens, the pricing of medications and the differences in prices from country to country, and antibiotic resistance, which Ms. Kyriakidou described as one of the three greatest threats to our health.

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