Focusing on green skills and sustainability through the HEI GreenPath project

Frederick University participates in the research project HEI GreenPath: Shaping HEI environment for a sustainable tomorrow, which aims to strengthen ecological awareness within all members of its university community.
The project aims to integrate green skills and the concept of sustainability across disciplines and into the university's existing curricula, equip faculty and research staff with knowledge and tools to effectively teach green skills, and enhance the collaboration between universities and industry partners in the field of green skills.
The HEI GreenPath: Shaping HEI environment for a sustainable tomorrow project is funded by the Erasmus+ KA220-HED program of the European Commission, has a duration of two years, and involves five Higher Education Institutions from Poland, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, and Slovenia.
On behalf of Frederick University, the project is coordinated by the RIGE - Gender Equality and Inclusion Research Unit, led by Dr. Petroula Mavrikiou, Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration. As Dr. Mavrikiou notes: "Gender equality, sustainability, and climate are fundamental for a world where every individual can live in peace and enjoy good health. Our goal is to equip our students with the knowledge, tools, and skills necessary, to contribute to mitigating climate change and improving their daily lives, as well as to activate and involve them in actions to address the challenges for a better tomorrow."
Frederick University has incorporated the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its strategy, making sustainability a central priority in its teaching and research as well as in its leadership and daily operations. It is a member of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and one of the founding members of the local SDSN Cyprus network, which aims to collaborate with stakeholders from all sectors of society to improve Cyprus' performance in adopting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The research project HEI GreenPath: Shaping HEI environment for a sustainable tomorrow involves partner academic and research institutions: University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Poland), Frederick University (Cyprus), Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), Pegaso International Higher Education Institution (Malta), and the International School for Social and Business Studies (Slovenia).